Activities and Events

Ongoing Activities/Events

Friends Meetings - We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month  at the Nature Center from 6-7 p.m. Special business meetings may be called for the Board Chairperson as needed. E-mail with questions.

Trash Pick-up (varies) – The Park Naturalist sponsors specific day/times for such events usually targeted at areas of need. In early 2022, high school students working service hours did clean-up on some specific needy areas. Several Friends, while just enjoying hiking, will carry a small bag to pick up any trash left along the roads or trails. It’s a small spontaneous act of stewardship that anyone can do - including you! Scheduled events are publicized on the Park’s Facebook page and we generally share those posts on our Facebook page.


Invasive Species Control (varies) - We participate in Park-sponsored removal of Garlic Mustard, a major invasive, as well as others. In addition, we have begun a routine program of Friends-led invasive species control for the park, beginning in summer 2023 along Trail 8 and now expanding.

Upcoming or Planned Activities/Events

Up-coming Nature Center events can be found at the Park Website:

Upcoming events and activities, photos of projects, and posts of past events can be found on our Facebook page. Follow us for news on upcoming events.


Invasive Plant Removal - The Friends of Clifty Falls State Park were awarded funding from the Community Foundation of Madison & Jefferson County though its Fall 2023 Grant Cycle.  The funds were used to remove invasive plants in the area of the Nature Center and Clifty Inn in 2024.

Chimney Swift Tower - The Friends of Clifty Falls State Park were awarded funding from Indiana Audubon Society through the 2023 Mumford & Keller Gants and Scholarship Program for a Chimney Swift Tower located in the Poplar Grove area of Clifty Falls State Park.  The structure mimics an actual chimney, serving as roosting and nesting habitat for Chimney Swifts.  The site will also have an interpretive sign which will contain educational information about Swifts and Swift conservation. For this project, the Friends of Clifty Falls partnered with Madison Consolidated High School students to build and install the Chimney Swift Tower.